Sunday, December 29, 2013

Free is not really free

Professional Geriatric Care Managers are often Registered Nurses or Social Workers with diverse experiences in long term care, hospitals, assisted living and independent living communities. They offer the family and the client their expertise in these areas that most free services cannot offer. Care options are based on an in depth personal assessment of the client which includes, but is not limited to, a functional assessment, mental status assessment/depression scale, financial evaluation, knowledge of Medicare and Medicaid services, Medicare and Medicaid home services, VA benefits, alternative options and referral resources. A Geriatric Care Manager works for the principal not for a facility fee. The offer for "free" services is most valuable to those who are looking for an open bed or an apartment at the "best price", but this does not necessarily mean that the placement service is providing the best care options/alternatives for their loved one. This costs the client and the family/legal representative precious time, money and perhaps quality of care. While it is true we are in the same market a free service is much different than the service provided by a Geriatric Care Manager. Many times we provide free information when someone calls our office because it's the right thing to do. C&S Care Management, Inc. is free from conflicts of interest and discloses all business relationships. Only the client's interests are considered. Geriatric Care Managers offer support even after a placement is made. They act as advocates for all clients. My recommendation to families is to contact a Geriatric Care Manager and have a conversation to learn how a GCM can best meet your needs. Try for a Geriatric Care Manager in your state.  C&S Care Management, Inc. in Houston is a comprehensive care management/care coordination firm with over 35 years of experience in the healthcare field.

Call C&S Care Management, Inc. for peace of mind 281-550-8444.