Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Technology and Aging: Adventures with an iPad

Technology and Aging:  Adventures with an iPadiPhone camera (spoiler alert, this post doesn’t really use the iPad but next week’s will, I promise!)
As a geriatric care manager, I am constantly looking for new ways to engage my clients.  I have a “can do” attitude.  I frequently say to clients and families that they better not tell me they’d like to do something unless they mean it because once it’s out there, I’ll find a way to make it happen.  For instance, I had a gentleman in his late 80’s with Parkinson’s.  He’d been in a wheelchair for a number of years, unable to walk because his knees were rubbing bone on bone.  He and his wife (who had dementia) had 24 hour care in the home and he was reluctant to leave her to do anything special for himself.  But one day, he told me he dreamed of swimming again.  I looked at him and asked him if he was serious.  Would he really go to the pool if I could make it happen?  Certain that it was impossible, he readily agreed that yes, he’d love to do it. 
I started by contacting a friend who just happened to be a physical therapy assistant and aquatic therapist.  She was game to try.  An okay from the doctor got things rolling.  My friend came to the house to do an evaluation then a week later, with a brand spanking new pair of swim trunks (I drew the line at his ancient Speedo!), we were off.  Since he was headed to “therapy”, not just going out for “fun”, he was able to leave his wife at home. 
We met my friend at a local health club with an indoor pool and lift.  She brought along every flotation device known to humankind and we got the client in the pool.  What a thrill!  With cuffs around his frail arms and legs, a flotation seat and multiple noodles wrapped around his torso, he was able to “swim”!  For the first time in years he could move on his own, with the HUGEST SMILE on his face ever!!!  Over time, we tweaked the adaptive devices to provide better support and allow for more range of motion.  What a thrill for all of us!
Now, what does this have to do with technology or an iPad you ask?  Check out this photo of my client swimming, taken with my iPhone camera of course!

Next week’s blog post will get us started on ways I’ve used the iPad in my work with seniors.  Just as a teaser…what do koi ponds, Maria Callas and doodling have in common?  Check in next week for the answer!
Chris Hicks, C&S Care Manager



  1. Ipad is one of the best device as per my opinion. There are number of peoples who want to purchase it. Its features and specifications are really good.

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  2. A picture really is worth a thousand words...except in this case the words and the picture together tell a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing!
